Dear Members of the United South Central School Community:
Like many districts across Minnesota, the United South Central School District has a formal agreement with the Wells Police Department in which a local officer is placed in our school as a school resource officer. This specially trained individual protects students and staff during the school day and often during public school-sponsored events in the evening. In the United South Central school district, this relationship with local police departments has existed for many years.
In recent days, you may have seen media reports related to a change in state law that restricts the use of force and restraints on students. According to media reports, there is some confusion about how the law impacts police officers.
The United South Central School District and the Wells Police Department are aware of the changes in state law and have plans in place to manage the effects of this change. Both the department and the district remain committed to providing direct school resource officer support to our students and school events.
Thank you for the opportunity to address this important issue, which emerged quickly, drew widespread media attention, and continues to develop. Please be assured that we remain committed to doing all we can to keep our students and staff safe.
As always, thank you for your support of the United South Central School District and the students we serve.
Tim Brenegan, Cheif
Wells Police Department
Taylor Topinka, Superintendent
United South Central School District